Picture of a sunset in the Cotswolds

Pauline Freegard, Owner

Over the last few years the changes that we have all seen in the global climate, and then the pandemic, have prompted a time of reflection for many.


Having enjoyed a long career in IT, Marketing and various business roles, including my own business. I wanted to get more in touch with nature and to make lovely things that people can cherish.

Picture of a sunset in the Cotswolds

Capturing nature

Many times I have walked past beautiful trees (and may have taken a picture) but not known what species they were or really looked at them properly.

Making jewellery from trees, plants and flowers has enabled me to learn so much more and to appreciate the fantastic natural designs and varieties which I can then share with you.


It is very important to me that everything is eco-friendly, ideally recycled, and of course has a low ecological impact.

The raw materials I use through to the gift boxes are fully recycled and certifed by my suppliers as such.

ps. all photographs on this website (bar the Bembridge Windmill) are taken at a couple of local arboretum , including Westonbirt, - on my i-phone!)
